2023 Kampanja

Bingo city centar, 21.5.2023.g. od 10:00 do 14: 00 besplatni pregledi građana, tim dermatologa: Prim.mr.sci Hana Helppikangas,dr.med, Mr.sci.dr.med Mersiha Krupalija-Fazlić, Dr. Kerim Alendar, Mr.sci.med.dr Tamara Jovović-Sadiković, Prim.dr. Almira Selmanagić, Dr. Selma Poparić , Dr. Haris Varupa, dr Semin Bećirbegović i Dr Vesna Stanojevic.
Klinički centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu-Dermatološka klinika, 25.5.2023.g.preventivni pregledi uposlenika KCUS, Mr.sci.dr.med Mersiha Krupalija-Fazlić, Prim.dr. Almira Selmanagić i Dr. Selma Poparić.
Opća bolnica „Prim.dr Abdulah Nakaš“, 30.05.2023.godine od 8 sati i 30 minuta do 14 sati i 30 minuta. Kabinet za dermatovenerologiju - Mr.sci.dr Jasmina Begić
„Naša mala klinika“ Skenderpašina 18, 10.05.2023.g. od 9:00 do 13:00. Prim.Dr.sci Alija Aginčić, Prim dr Alemko Čvorak i Mr sc Adnan Zećo
Poliklinika Agram, 18.5.2023.g. od 13 do 15:30 h i 30.5.2023.g. od 13:00 do 15:30h. Prim.mr.sci Hana Helppikangas,dr.med i med sestra Alma Hodžić te glavna sestra Sanela Baličevac , Kontakt telefon za naručivanje svog termina: 061-894-749.
“dr. Alendar“ specijalistička ordinacija za dermatovenerologiju, 22.5.2023. g. , od 09:00-12:00h , Dr Kerim Alendar
„Poliklinika Karabeg“ 17.05.2023.g. od 11 h do 16 h, Prof dr Karabeg Reuf, Prim. dr Karabeg Amela i dr Danijela Crnogorac
„Dr. Drljevic“, privatna dermatovenerološka ordinacija, 5.05. i 12.05. 2023.g. od 12h do 14:30h, Prof.dr Irdina Drljević
„Derma-Zone“, privatna dermatovenerološka ordinacija, 28.05.2023.g. od 9:30 do 13h, 061-055-077, Mr.sci.med.dr Tamara Jovović-Sadiković
„Eurofarm-Centar Poliklinika"PJ UNITIK , 16.05.2023.g. od 13h do 14h i 18.05.2023.g. od 13h do 14h, Dr Seana Bejtula
„Dermatovenerološka ordinacija Dr Amra Mutevelić Eminagić“ 18.maj.2023.g.od 13:00 do 14:00, Dr Amra Mutevelić-Eminagić
Ambulanta „Centar Integrativne medicine BJ“ Pejton, Ilidža, 29.05.2023.g. od 10h do 15 h, Dr Jasmina Begić.
Zdravstveni Centar „ Stanojević“, Spasovdanska 13, 15.05.2023.g. od 9:00 do 12:00, Dr Vesna Stanojević, 065-754-587
JZU Bolnica Srbija Istočno Sarajevo, 17.05.2023.g. od 9:00 h do 12;00 h dr Daliborka Jevtovic, kontakt tel: 057-325-300
Aktivnosti na otvorenom:
05.05.2023 pregled članova planinarskog kluba "Kozara" ZU "Prodermis"
13.05.2023 pregled članova "Vespa kluba" Banja Luka od 10h ZU"Kutanova" Banja Luka
20.05.2023 Press konferencija ministar zdravlja i socijalne zaštite Republike Srpske dr Alen Šeranić,Kovačević-Tucek dr Alma i Popović dr Dragana,učenici srednje medicinske škole SC "Gaudeamus" od 11:00 do 14:00h, davanje savjeta građanima o značaju fotoprotekcije u prevenciji nastanka raka kože, dijeljenje promotivnog materijala, Trg Krajine Banja Luka
21.05.2023 OFK "Spartak" Banja Luka, od 10-12h davanje savjeta o značaju fotoprotekcije u prevenciji nastanka raka kože, dijeljenje promotivnog materijala Popović dr Dragana, Umičević Šipka dr Sanja
Univerzitetski klinički centar Republike Srpske, 30.05.2023, 08-20h, Prof. Dr Jagoda Balaban, Prof.Dr Djuka Ninković Baroš, Dr Rajka Đurđević Bokan,Dr Gorana Popović , Dr Marjana Tica, Dr Dragana Popović, Dr Vesna Vukić, Dr Sanja Umičević Šipka, Dr Jelena Petković Dabić, Dr Dušanka Brđanin, Prim.dr Milanka Ćelić i dr Dragana Grujić. Kontakt telefon: 051 342 486
ZU „Pro Dermis“ , Vojvode Momčila, 02.06.2023.g., Dr Tatjana Protić, 051-211-915
ZU „dr Roljić“ , Bulevar cara Dušana 3, 02.06.2023.g.,Dr Jevrosima Roljić, 051-223-600
ZU „ Skin dr Mandić“ , Sime Matavulja 6, 25.05.2023.g., Dr Ljilja Mandić, 051-217-550
ZU „ Kutanova“ ,Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 83, 01.06.2023 ,Dr Alma Kovačević- Tucek, 051-430-650
Centar za teledermatologiju, Banja Luka , 13.05.2023.g. od 12:00 do 15:00, Prim.dr.sc.dr.med Zoran Vrućinić, 051-320-752
Bolnica iz internističkih i hiruških oblasti S.tetik, Patrijarha Arsenija Čarnojevića 2b 22.5 do 26.5.2023.g. od 14h do 16h , dr Nevena Tešović, 051-430-889
ZU "Implantodent" Prvog Krajiškog korpusa 35, 30.05 i 01.06.2023.g. od 17h do 19h Dr Jelena Petković-Dabić, 051-961-999
Univerzitetski klinički centar Tuzla, Dermatoška klinika: 4. i 5. maj 2023.g. od 12:00 do 14:00, Dr Senada Resić, Dr Selma Kamberović, Dr Midheta Bijedić i Dr Azra Hadzigrahić.
Dom zdravlja „Dr Musafa Šehović“ Dom zdravlja „Dr Musafa Šehović“ javna zdravstveno-nastavna ustanova 10. i 11. maj 2023.g. od 10.00 do 12: 00 , Dr Meliha Ahemtbašić, Dr Jasminka Alibegović i Mr.sci.dr Merisa Imamović Kuluglić
Zgrada Euroherc i Adriatic osiguranja: pregledi za ciljanu grupu-uposlenike Euroherc i Adriatic osiguranja. 12.5.2023g. od 11h do 14h Prof Dubravka Šimić, Dr Anika Gunarić, Dr Kristina Jurišić i Prim.mr.sci.dr.med Hana Helppikangas
Univerzitetska bolnica Foča, 29.05-31.05.2023.g. 08-13h i 05.-07.06.2023.g. 08-13h, dr Darka Živanović Vlaskin , dr Miloš Divjak, kontakt tel: 058 222 500
"Poliklinika" u Zenici, Fra Ivana Jukića br., 24.05.2023; 25.05.2023.i 26.05.2023.u periodu od 12 do 15 h , Prim.dr Samira Dajić-Hrvanović, Dr Aida Muharemović, Dr Damira Bajramović, Dr Nikolina Smajlović-Loina
JU Dom zdravlja Travnik, 22.05.2023. god. od 09 do 13h, Dr Selma Poparić
Hrvatska Bolnica “dr Fra Mato Nikolic” Nova Bila, 9.5.2023.g., od 11-14h. dr Mladen Čuturić ( spec ORL i direktor bolnice); dr Amir Jašarević ( spec MFH i šef odjela ORL sa hirurgijom glave i vrata); dr Antonio Vilić ( specijalizant ORL) i Prim.mr.sc. Hana Helppikangas,dr.med,spec.dermatovenerolog
KB dr Irfan Ljubijankic, 29. i 30. maj 2023.g., Prof.dr med.sc Kurtalić Nermina, dr Ikić-Ramić Suada, dr Handanagić Alma i dr Đuzelic Nisada.
Zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Velika Kladuša, 19.05.2023.g. od 8:00 do 13.00, Dr Mediha Hasić-Mujanović i med. sestra Selma Elkasović
JZU Bolnica Gradiška, 29.05.2023.g. 07:30-13h, dr Biljana Pavlovska, kontakt tel: 051 810 600
Dermatološka ordinacija EMS Živinice, 8.05.2023.g. od 17:00-18:00, 15.5. 2023.g. od 17:00 do 18:00, 22.5.2023.g. od 17:00do 18:00 i 29.05.2023.g. od 17:00-18:00 . Prim.Prof.dr.sc Eldina Malkić Salihbegović. Obavezna rezervacija termina na telefon: : 062 212 625.
Dom zdravlja Gračanica, od 17.05.2023.g. do 31.05.2023.g. svaki dan od 12:00 do 14: 00, Dr Senka Perović Operhal.
JZU DZ Srebrenik, 29.05. i 30.05.2023.g. od 10:00 do 15:00, Dr Belkisa Ibrišimović
DZ „Lukavac“ svaki četvrtak u maju od 12h do 13h, Dr Ghassan Husni.
Opšta bolnica Prijedor, 15-19.05.2023.g., 11-13h, dr Dejan Elenkov, dr Jasna Bojanić
052 238 411 lokal 214
ZU „N Vitalis“, Petra Petrovića Njegoša 12 A, 1.06.2023.g. Dr Biljana Deretić, 065-515-530
Aktivnosti na otvorenom :
Centar za kulturu Bijeljina 17.5.2023 od 18h predavanja za građanstvo o značaju fotoprotekcije u prevenciji nastanka raka kože, pregledi, dr Igor Novaković,dr Vedrana Jovanović, dr Gordana Savin, DZ Bijeljina
22-26.05.2023 pregled članova Gorske službe spasavanja Bijeljina ZU"Gavrić dr Anka"
JZU Bolnica Sveti Vračevi Bijeljina, 09.06.2023.g., dr Mirica Stoisavljević, dr Ivana Gajić, kontakt tel: 055 415 555
ZU „Gavrić dr Anka“, Žrtava Jadovnog 2, 23.05.2023.g., od 08h: 16h, Dr Goran Gavrić, 055-202-949
JZU Bolnica Trebinje, 29.05-02.06.2023.g., 12-14h, dr Dubravka Perotić, kontakt tel: 059 223 755
JZU Bolnica Zvornik, 30.05.2023.g., 10-12h, dr Čuturić Gordana, kontakt tel: 056 211 112
Bolnica Sveti Apostol Luka, 31.05.2023.g. dr Slovenka Stevanović, dr Snježana Đurić, kontakt tel:
053 241 022
DZ Doboj , 29.5.2023.g. od 10h do 13h, Dr Danijel Atijas, 066 781-221
JZU Dom zdravlja Bratunac, 30.05.2023 od 10h do13h dr Ivančić Ljiljana
Dom zdravlja Čelinac, 17.05.2023.g. , Dr Draško Kuprešak, Prim dr sci dr med Zoran Vrućinić
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Preventing skin cancer
Skin cancer is one of the world’s most common cancers. The good news is that it is usually treatable if detected early - and there are things we can do to prevent it.
Always be sunsafe
Avoid unnecessary exposure.
Seek shade where possible, and avoid the summer sun during the middle of the day.

Wear protective clothing
Include dark colours, long sleeves, a widebrimmed hat and UV-rated sunglasses.
For children, look for clothing with inbuilt sun protection.

Apply sunscreen
Check that yours has a high protection factor against both UVA and UVB rays. Remember that sunscreen takes effect around half an hour after its application and only lasts for two to three hours.

Protect children
Children are at the greatest risk of long-term health issues related to unsafe sun exposure.
Outside play is important, but you should never let a child get sunburnt.

What to look for
Check your skin once a month for spots that:
- Change size, colour and/or shape
- Appear different to the rest (the ‘Ugly Duckling’ sign)
- Are asymmetric or have uneven borders
- Feel rough or scaly (sometimes you can feel lesions before you can see them)
- Are multi-coloured
- Are itchy
- Are bleeding or oozing
- Look pearly
- Look like a wound but do not heal
If you see two or more of these warning signs, don’t delay. Visit your doctor immediately.
This is the least common form of skin cancer, but also the most dangerous. It can affect people of any age, unlike other types that are more common among older people.
It presents as a spot that becomes darkly pigmented or develops irregular edges or different colours over time, or as a rapidly-growing pink or red lump. It can spread internally, so immediate treatment is required.
Basal cell carcinoma
This is the most common form of skin cancer, but also the least dangerous. It typically presents as an elevated skin-coloured lump with a shiny, pearl-like edge, a wound that does not heal, or a slightly crusty lump that grows slowly over time. If left untreated, it may ulcerate and invade deeper tissues.
Squamous cell carcinoma
This is the second most common form of skin cancer, occurring in areas of the skin that have had a lot of sun exposure, such as the face and scalp. It presents as a crusty lump which may grow quickly and become ulcerated and weepy. It can spread rapidly, especially if on the lips, ears, fingers and toes, or in immunosuppressed patients. Surgical treatment to remove the lesions is essential.
Actinic keratosis
This occurs most commonly in middle-aged and elderly people, on areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, neck, ears, back of the hands and scalp. It presents as red-brown scaly and rough patches of skin. The lesions are pre-cancerous; in 10– 15% of cases they may develop into squamous cell carcinomas, so they should be treated to prevent progression.
Merkel cell carcinoma
It is a rare aggressive form of skin cancer. In Europe the incidence rate reported is 0.59 per 100.000 and it is a cancer mainly diagnosed after the age of 50. The lesion is asymptomatic, enlarge rapidly and is more frequent in immunosuppressed patients. This tumor maybe induced by a polyomavirus or by UV exposure.
Because melanoma is particularly serious, you should be familiar with the signs to look for.
The ABCDE of melanoma can help you to detect it early:
A. Is the spot asymmetric?
B. Does it have uneven borders?
C. Does it contain different colours?
D. Is it larger than 6mm in diameter?
E. Is there an evolution in growth?
Check your skin once a month for any changes or suspicious-looking spots.
Your check should cover your whole body, front and back, with particular emphasis on areas exposed to the sun.
Stand in front of a full-length mirror with a hand mirror for those hard-to-reach places.
1. Look at your face, including your nose, lips, mouth and on and behind your ears.

2. Check your scalp, using a comb to part your hair. If you do not have much hair, check your entire scalp very thoroughly.

3. Check the front and back of your hands and in between your fingers.

4. Then focus on your neck, chest and upper body. Women, be sure to check between and underneath your breasts.

5. Bend your elbow to check your upper arm and armpits.

6. Use your hand mirror to check the back of your neck and your back, top and bottom.

7. Check your buttocks and the back of your legs. Finish by checking the soles of your feet and in between your toes.

Skin cancer can affect anybody at any age. It is most common in people over 50, or people who have had prolonged exposure to the sun.
You are at higher risk if you:
- Have fair skin or are prone to sunburn
- Were sunburnt during childhood
- Have spent a lot of time in the sun (for work or leisure)
- Have periodical exposure periods (e.g. on holidays)
- Use sunbeds
- Have more than 50 moles
- Have a family history of skin cancer
- Are over the age of 50
- Have undergone an organ transplant
Whether you’re in a high-risk group or not, there are simple things you can do now to protect you and your family from skin cancer.
By protecting your skin, checking yourself regularly and knowing the signs, you can stop any suspicious skin lesions before they become something more serious.
Skin cancer can be treated, and early diagnosis makes the chances of a full recovery very high.
If you spot a suspicious lesion, it is vital that you have it checked by a doctor or preferably a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Where treatment is delayed, the condition worsens, and in some instances, can lead to disfigurement, complications and even death. Don’t let delay reduce your chances of a positive outcome.
The golden rules are:
- Don’t ignore it, hoping it will go away
- Don’t wait to see how it develops, or manage it yourself
- Don’t assume it’s nothing serious
- Don’t think it isn’t a priority to get it sorted
- And above all, don’t be afraid to see your doctor or dermatologist
Skin cancer is treatable if it’s caught early.
If you have a spot that looks suspicious, go and see your doctor.