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Wählen Sie eine andere Form von Hautkrebs
Dies ist die zweithäufigste Hautkrebsform. Sie tritt Körperstellen auf, die häufig der Sonne ausgesetzt sind, wie im Gesicht und auf der Kopfhaut. Das Spinalzellkarzinom stellt sich als krustiger Knoten dar, der schnell wachsen kann und dann ulzeriert (geschwürig zerfällt) und nässt. Es kann sich schnell ausbreiten, vor allem an den Lippen, Ohren, Fingern und Zehen. In der Therapie wird die Hauterscheinung chirurgisch entfernt.
Squamous cell carcinomas often originate in actinic keratosis. They appear either as elevated lumps in the skin with a crusty surface, or as scaly red patches of skin. They grow relatively quickly, and can become ulcerated or weepy. They can often be mistaken for warts.
Squamous cell carcinomas can be found on any area of the body, including mucous membranes and the genitals, but they most commonly occur in areas frequently exposed to the sun, including the face, scalp, ears, lips, neck and limbs. They are particularly prevalent in areas which have suffered from sun damage, and occur alongside other signs of this damage such as wrinkles or loss of skin tone.
Detected early enough, squamous cell carcinomas are very treatable. If left untreated, they eventually penetrate the deeper levels of the skin and can cause permanent disfigurement. In rare cases, squamous cell carcinomas can spread to the lymph nodes and other organs, potentially becoming fatal. Surgical treatment is therefore recommended.