It is a fact of life that teenagers are under pressure to look a certain way. Despite often knowing the dangers of tanning, many young adults still seek a tan in order to conform.
Sadly, this pressure leads many teens to resort to using sunbeds, exposing them to harmful UV radiation, which can be 15 times more intensive than UV rays from the sun.
If having a tan is non-optional, then education about self-tanning creams becomes critical. They can duplicate the desired natural glow without exposure to dangerous UV rays.
Try to make sunscreen application part of their daily routine and keep bottles readily available around your home, or in their school or gym bag.
It’s not easy to get your teen to always wear a sun hat or to cover up when outside. The best strategy here is to take them shopping and invite them to choose their own. Wearing sunglasses tends to be less of a problem, but do encourage them to choose a pair with adequate UV protection.