Escolha outro tipo de cancro
Esta é a forma mais comum de cancro da pele, mas também a menos perigosa. Apresenta-se geralmente como uma protuberância saliente e colorido, podendo adquirir um aspeto branco pérola brilhante, ou como uma ferida que não cicatriza, ou adquirir uma superficie rugosa que cresce lentamente. Se não for tratado, pode ulcerar e invadir tecidos mais profundos.
There are various forms of basal cell carcinoma.
Nodular basal cell carcinomas present as elevated lumps in the skin with a shiny surface, which often develop a small sore at the centre.
Other, more superficial basal cell carcinomas appear as thin, brown or red patches of skin. They can easily be mistaken for dry skin patches, actinic keratosis, eczema or psoriasis, but they do not respond to moisturising creams or topical steroids. Patients typically notice that they have a sore that won’t heal.
Basal cell carcinomas most often occur on patches of skin that are frequently exposed to the sun. Nodular basal cell carcinomas are more common on the head and neck, while other types often appear on the trunk, arms or legs.
Basal cell carcinomas often grow without causing any discomfort. They are the least dangerous form of skin cancer, but if left untreated, they can grow and destroy nearby or underlying tissues. Treatment is recommended, generally consisting of surgery or other locally destructive therapies.